Towards Synthetic Spin-Orbit Interaction in InAs Nanowires using Ferromagnetic Side Gates
Arunav Bordoloi1, Andreas Baumgartner1, Gabor Fabian1, Jesper Nygard2, Lucia Sorba3, Christian Schönenberger1
1Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
2University of Copenhagen, Denmark
3Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Semiconducting InAs nanowires (NWs) provide an ideal system for electron spin control due to their large g-factor and spin-orbit coupling. Here we investigate InAs nanowire segments in different regimes with a single pair of ferromagnetic side gates (FSGs) [1]. FSGs can be used to electrically tune the local NW segment and provide a magnetic stray field, which can be reoriented in a deterministic way by an external magnetic field. We find a strong magnetoresistance (MR) of such NW devices in the quantum dot and double quantum dot regimes [1], which depends on the FSG magnetic stray field and the shape anisotropy of the FSGs [2]. For the most recent experiments we extract an FSG stray field of ⁓250 mT and a switching field of 25 mT, values that bring larger one-dimensional FSG arrays into reach to engineer more complex tunneling MR devices and to generate helical magnetic fields equivalent to a tunable synthetic spin-orbit interaction [3].
[1] G. Fabian et al., PRB 94, 195415 (2016)
[2] H. Aurich et al., Appl. Phys. Lett 97, 153116 (2010)
[3] B. Braunecker et al., PRB 82, 045127 (2010)