QSIT ladies regular table
As Renate Landig has made a step forward in her career (now Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University), we are happy to announce that two young ambitious QSIT PhD students will keep going on the QSIT Women Networking!

As a new opportunity to get to know each other and spend some off-work time chatting in a relaxing atmosphere, Renate Landig would like to invite you all to the QSIT ladies regulars' table. The idea is to have a get-together every few months in a bar in Zurich starting at around 8.30pm.
The first location was decided by Renate, the next place you can decide on during each event. So it’s not only great to meet people from QSIT but also to get to visit all kind of bar places in Zurich.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Past events:
Monday May 18, 2015
at 8.30pm at Spheres (Hardturmstrasse 66)
Monday November 10, 2014
at 8.30pm at Dini Mueter
Monday June 16, 2014
at 8.30pm at Alumni Lounge (ETH Hönggerberg)
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
at 8.30pm at Kafi Schnaps (Kornhausstr. 57)
Wednesday October 9, 2013
the fifth QSIT women regular's table took place at 8.30pm at Les Halles (Pfingstweidstr. 6)
Wednesday July 17, 2013
the fourth QSIT women regular’s table took place at 8.30pm at XENIX Open Air Cinema (Kanzleiareal)
Thursday May 16, 2013
the third QSIT women regular’s table took place at 8.30pm at El Lokal (Gessner-Allee 11)
Thursday April 11, 2013
the second QSIT women regular’s table took place at 8.30pm at Jules Verne Panorama Bar (Uraniastr. 9)
Thursday March 14, 2013
The first QSIT women regular’s table took place at 8.30pm at Les Halles (Pfingstweidstr. 6)